so i haven’t updated since

so i haven’t updated since before the holiday, so here it goes.

not a whole lot to report. thanksgiving day i traveled to one grandparents’ and then to another. grandma “r” is in the hospital recovering from knee replacement (!!!), but she was released for the holiday. saw most of the family, and we all stayed at grandma’s house. thanksgiving dinner was of course yummy and filling.

friday morning i left granny’s house and went to port clinton. after being lazy, i ended up going out with travis and his girlfriend. test drove some cars, went to see harry potter (i was actually fairly impressed), and ended up walking around meijers for about an hour. on the way out from meijers, i stuck a dollar bill in one of those instant lotto machines and won $25. i claimed $20 and 5 more tickets. of the next batch, the fifth ticket was a $50 winner. i claimed $45 and 5 more tickets. this time, one of the tickets was a “free ticket” winner. i haven’t claimed it yet, i was up $65 and didn’t want to run out of luck!

the weekend was mostly wireless as usual. we set up four accounts in two days. two of them were fairly large multi-computer installs. all went flawless. we’re getting to be really good at this whole wireless thing. we have about twice the number of paying customers than we had about 6 weeks ago. maybe i’ll eventually see some money from this whole thing. 🙂

anyway, it appears that i may not be getting a new car. after running some numbers, it’s probably cheaper to drive my cougar until the lease is done, buy the car out for more than it’s worth, then sell it private party at a minor loss. let this be a lesson to everyone: never lease a car! unless, of course, you have no intentions of keeping it longer than two years, will absolutely not drive it more than 30,000 miles, and want a business tax writeoff. i must admit, my car lease was about a $5,000 writeoff last year. but, you can just as easily write off mileage.

that friend from georgia i mentioned earlier is apparently moving back to ohio around the first of the year. it’s always interesting meeting up with people you haven’t seen in almost 4 years.

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  1. jesus matt, i should’ve taken you to nevada with me! i didn’t win a damn thing. at least i wasn’t playing with my own money though 🙂

    that’s cool that your wireless thing is going well. i hope you find a car too. have you seen the new ford thunderbirds? they are soooo pretty. i would break my “never buy an american car” rule for that kind of car.

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