i don’t know if i

i don’t know if i mentioned this or not yet (and i’m too lazy to read back), but i’ve consciously decided to finally take steps towards shedding some pounds. i’ve started by no longer drinking pop or other high calorie drinks. i used to have at least 70 oz. of pop a day.

i really don’t eat much junkfood, so i can’t cut much down there. i rarely eat sweets.

i think step 2 will be salads. problem here is that i love bleu cheese, and usually drown my salad in it.

anyway, this is like day 5 or 6 of my no-pop rule, and so far it’s not going too bad.

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  1. !sir guide to weight loss!

    no pop, red meat, caffiene, or sugar. lots o’ veggies, fish, chicken, and h

  2. water and a no carb diet seem to be the one that works for most people

    *however* consult your doctor before going on a no carb diet. there are some problems concerning stuff your body needs and you not supplying it. you should be able to find lots of info on the net.

  3. i would advise against the no carb diet, which w also call the “give me cancer diet.” while it is effective for weight loss, hence its popularity, it is very hard on your body. i could go on, but you can call f you want me to tell you more. the first guy has good ideas, but i don’t think you need to cut out red meat. just buy leaner cuts of meat. redder is better. the pinker it looks means there is more fat in it.

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