i am good at spending

i am good at spending $$$ i do not have. i bought a turbonet adaptor for my tivo, basically a hack that puts an ethernet port into my tivo. main 2 advantages to this:

* no more phone line, my tivo will do it’s nightly “call” over my cable modem.

* can now use tivoweb, a web interface that allows me to schedule season passes, see what is already recorded, and do basically anything else i can do with the tivo itself, but remotely. very cool if i remember a show i want recorded. i can schedule it remotely.

how cool!

well it’s friday night and i have nothing going on at this point. think i’ll just relax and enjoy my last “roomateless” night.

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  1. with all that the internet can do for us… im still shocked that you have to pay for tivo. i think id rather just make a porntron 5000

  2. my replay 3000 is free for updates… the 4000 series has a $250 up front “activation fee” but then the nightly updates are “free”

  3. tivo has a $250 “lifetime subscription” option, which is basically the exact same thing. difference being they give you the monthly option if you don’t want to dump $250 up front.

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