a tornado ripped through port

a tornado ripped through port clinton. tons of damage. coastalwave was out for several hours. the 1.5 hours of ups time just didn’t cut it. the military police are all over town blocking off roads where there is still tons of damage to clean up. we received some pics from one of our customers who took a plane ride over the damage and got some great pics – i’ll post them soon.

luckily the area i live in was mostly untouched. the east side of town was almost leveled. i’ve never seen anything like it!

not much else to say really. living in pc has been pretty fun so far. saw jackass the other night. it was pretty hardcore – people were actually leaving the theatre. if really stupid stuff entertains you, i highly recommend it. going to see some other movie with allison tonight – not sure what yet. i want to see punch drunk love — especially after learning it’s by the same guy who did magnolia.

still eating no meat. did i mention this yet? can’t remember. anyway, shanon and myself agreed to splurge last night, so i had a big greasy cheeseburger. nothing has ever tasted so good after a week of no meat, chicken, fish, etc.

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  1. meat is not the problem, excessive carbohydrates (like in *beer*) are what generally put on pounds. if you dont exercise with any regularity all those carbs get stored as fat in your system. not eating is also not a good idea. your system does not burn fats when you starve yourselve, it actually starts digesting muscle tissue because its easier to digest than fat. ditch the carbs!!! was i wrong about you and that thing you had on your skin for *three* years? :p

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