weddings, jobs. vacations

it’s wedding season — a several month period where you’re required to attend, or at least spend $60, on people you barely know.

one of dana’s friends is getting married in a few weekends. it’s a full catholic wedding — mass and all. should be interesting, given i’m not one for knealing.

weddings also inject visions of *their* weddings into the head of every woman in attendance, which usually leads to nudges and hints towards all of us men in the “long term relationship” category.

molly and tony had a nice, simple, laid back wedding. the setting was awesome, and the attendance was just close family and friends. i personally would have chosen a time of year where the bride doesn’t have to wear a snowsuit and thermal underwear under her dress. other than that, it was perfect!

speaking of molly and tony, a belated congratulations on the birth of their second child Helena!

how damn cute is that!

in the “where’s matt, and why the fuck is his site completely empty” category, i lead you to jobs and vacations.

memorial day weekend, dana, this kevin, sarah, and i trekked down to see this kevin in north caroliney for about four days. it was a blast! who knew that there were bars with comfy couches and free wi-fi… met a few cool people, finally got the sadukie into geocaching, and best of all… relaxed. i had completely forgotten how to do so after a few mega-stressful months in the workplace.

a big thanks to this kevin for the hospitality. i’m sorry it took so long to get down there.

jobs. crazy busy. always something. starting to seriously wonder if the tech field is a sane choice for a career. i was less busy when i ran my own business!

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  1. I’ve gotta disagree with you on the contagious wedding bit. Give us ladies some credit here – we’re not all diamond hungry bridezilla wannabe’s.

    Also, I can’t be the only one who has been to some weddings that make me swear to never ever get married, ever. Living in sin is pretty awesome too, I’ve gotta say.

  2. i was just looking for an excuse to wear my thermal maternity undies. they make my butt itch, and i luhvit.

    marriage is a lot about perception, i think. we have the same exact relationship and commitment as before, but the words husband and wife make the world recognize… or something. well, that, and you can say you survived the stress of a wedding… which even as simple as we went, wasn’t easy. i can’t imagine the women who actually care about every detail, that’s gotta be the “if this relationship can survive this” test.

    ike is dunking his cheese and peanut butter crackers in his grape juice. every bite is followed by “mmmMMMMmmMMM!” try it tonight and let me know how it is.

    my comment to you is longer than most of my own blog entries lately.

    and oh yeah, duh, thank you for the congrats!

  3. I think you would have enjoyed our wedding, but you just *had* to go to Florida. *grin* I didn’t have to wear thermal underwear, but the mini-blizzard towards the end of the reception made things interesting.

  4. North Carolina was definitely interesting… and now that you got us started, the geocaching bug has been planted. We’re up to 15 now.

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