
i love christmas. every other holiday hides in fear when christmas’ bad self rolls around. yep, it’s christmas time and i’m digging it. howmeownership lets me do things like put up a real tree (check) and hang tacky icicle lights outside (check).

since i’ve got the new digs, it was quickly decided (by parties other than myself) that dana and i would be hosting christmas eve for the family. i’m not complaining — i was more or less assuming that would be the case. thinking forward to having the family here, i’m thinking it will feel like “playing house”.

oh, and it gets more interesting… this will be the first christmas eve in who knows how many years that my mom and dad will be at the same gathering for more than a few minutes. i wonder what to expect… so, mom, dad, sister, aunt, uncle, two grandparents, dana, and myself… lots of mouths to feed. lots of cars to find parking spots for. lots of sleeping arrangements to be made. lots of food preparation. lots of finding places to sit.

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  1. I can’t think of anywhere else i’d rather be for x-mas eve! If you’d like me to be there, maybe you can think of a reason to tell my own grandma why I can’t be at her x-mas eve?? p.s. i could obviously make her x-mas day.

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