at rex kwon do, we use the buddy system

since i’ve recently noticed chip and kristin both talking about dieting and such, i thought i’d throw out there one of the many things i’ve done and not written about lately.

i’ve once again started dieting.

let’s take a step back into history, to a party of many moons ago. at this party, my roomate’s boyfriend muttered ‘fatass’ under his breath. a good (and honest, in a great way) friend was talking about how she used to flirt with me, to which i had no fracking clue (makes me want to throw things at the tv while watching battlestar galactica), but how i was so much skinnier back then. and, another good female friend slash ex girlfriend mentioned how much skinner i used to be.

the next day, i cut back on fried crap. i also quit drinking pop completely, as i was consuming well over 100oz of dr. pepper per day, and i would get headaches if i didn’t. even diet pop can be a bit high on the calories, and caffiene free tastes like distilled urine. didn’t touch any form of the stuff for over two years.

diet number two was more of a bet. sir proposed a $50 bet involving no meat, no chicken, no pop (but i was already set there), no chips, and no sweets. we both stuck to the guns until a truce was decided. i lost a decent amount of weight in just a few weeks.

i’m not doing weigh ins, bowing to the dead no-carb guy, or keeping track of points. but i am being more conscious of what i eat. i’m doing a variation of the “bet” diet, with chicken being allowed, and no cash on the table. other than a sausage mcgriddle to aid a massive hangover (thanks, st. patrick!) i’ve been rather religious about it. i wouldn’t even eat a half of a cookie that someone insisted i simply had to try.

even though s.w.m.b.o is not joining me on this escapade (ohh ohh escapade baby), she is providing the occasional verbal woopass to keep me energized — not because she thinks i need to loose weight, but because i’ve made it very clear that this is important to me.

i guess we’ll just see how it all goes!

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  1. Hey, sometimes you don’t even *need* the scale….your clothes tell you you’re losing (or gaining) weight.

    Good luck with your “modified eating habits plan.” Sounds so much better than “diet.” If you want more support from some people other than Dana, let us know. *grin*

  2. hey ive seen you lose the weight last time you killed the soda and stuff I know you can do it so go kick @ss!!
    now back to beating the crap out of my laptop 🙂

  3. s.w.m.b.o. threw me for a few, but i caught it. 😉

    and i’ll always support you in whatever you want to eat, or not eat, even if i may not have the will power to do it myself. that, and i feel kind of responsible for the whole “back on pop” thing. though iced tea does contain more sugar and calories than diet pop and the same amount of caffiene (did her homework on that long ago).

    oh, and for the record, nilla wafers have as many or more carbs in them than oreos and home-baked cookies. i’m a bit bitter that my pediatrician made me feel like a left-out loser through grade school because “nilla wafers are the only sort of sweets she can handle; they’re healthier.”

    to that i say, “f— you mr. clown, just f— you!” (y’all might not get that one)

  4. I lost 40 pounds since last winter.. all it took was 2 jobs and working 70 hrs a week. I am down to 1 job and 40/week finally. I try to hike or jog a couple laps around the quarry every week.. if you want to go let me know. A big part of my diet was not dating any silly girls that had to eat out twice a day. I like to cook :o)

  5. …and always complained about her weight, but got angry if you suggested dessert wasn’t necessary?

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