idiot drivers who can’t merge

on my way to work every morning, i go over this bridge that requires people to merge from 3 lanes to 2 lanes.  the "lane ends, merge left" signs extend back a mile, and for the most part, *everyone* knows that they need to merge and does so early.

every morning, there’s one or two assholes who decides they will zip all the way up to the merge point and force themselves in.  and some shithead always lets them in.

not me.  i ride the line between the lanes to keep people from passing me.  they can merge and wait an extra 30 seconds just like myself and everyone else did.  if i’m at the merge point i ride the bumper of the person in front of me to make sure assholes can’t get in.  of course, the shithead behind me always lets them in.

i wish people wouldn’t be such dicks.

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  1. That merge mess is pretty much the same throughout Cleveland. From the idiots who wait til the last minute to merge to the idiots who wait until the last minute to get in the right highway line (like those 90 West asshats who drive in the left lane of 176 until the absolute last minute, when 90 West is always backed up)… plenty of asshat drivers up here. Like you, I’m the one who won’t let them in. Not my problem that they’re waiting til the last minute…

  2. hey man at least when it rains people dont drive 10mph there. Half the people out here have never driven in rain or snow so they think its ice and drive roughly 10-15 mph…nothing like taking over an hour to drive 16 miles to work.

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