apparently this morning congress called

apparently this morning congress called for a ban on creating human clones. the more and more i think about this, it is a very scary thought.

i like the idea of genetics being able to create human hearts and other replacement parts. but cloning a whole human? making a perfect duplicate of oneself?

well, my beliefs are that there is a non-physical part of us that makes us who we are. copying our genetic sequence and making something materialistically identical to us — well, can you clone the spirit? what will my identical self be like? he may have all of my knowledge and know about all of my experiences, but will he be me?

this seems like it could be a very dangerous technology. but i’m not going to start getting into the whole ‘going against the will of god’ thing, because if god created us and is the infinite power that he is, well we created this technology, and we are his creation. well, not necessarily in my beliefs, but from a third party standpoint…

i have varied opinions on this. this is the type of conversation i love to have with people, but it doesn’t happen often. all i end up talking about in general is who’s saying what over at cisp, or who’s doing what where, or that type of thing.

it’s unfortunate a few of the people i used to have great conversations with have gotten to the point of ‘hi how are you’ type conversations and little more.

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  1. we are what we grow up with.

    a clone might be 100% you, but the way he acks and stuff are a product of what he is growing up with(enviroment). that is a proven fact.
    a kid raised now can never be like a kid raised when we were. they didn’t have gijoe or transformers

    think of a clone like 2 computers shipped to 2 different people. they have identical hardware, but each person does w/ the software, the way it is displayed are all a function of the owner

  2. i find it upsetting that the us has outlawed human clone research. the possibilities of restoring lost organs and regenerating nerve tissues are amazing–treating everythign from burn victims, to ms, to alzhiemers, ad infinitum.

    the lack of forsight on the part of thise too hung-up on the “moral implications” and “godly obligations” saddens me.

    i guess we have to wait on the more pragmatic europeans to develop tihs potentially miraculous and life-saving/enhancing technology.

  3. i agree with duke’s reasoning.

    medical technology should be allowed to clone parts, organs and other ‘micro’ level elements such as a limb. however, ‘cloning’ a full-fledged human being ….. now, that’s an ‘overkill’ !

    on top of that, it is indeed a fact that people are more the product of their environment than anything else. matt whitted who grew up in port clinton may not be the same exact person; emotionally, spiritually and mentally ….. compared to let’s say if another identically-cloned matt whitted who were to be raised in malaysia and hung out with me since childhood. 🙂
    i would have passed along terrible influences and bad habits … 🙂

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