the in-laws

i just arrived at dana’s. in five minutes, without even seeing them, both of her parents have irritated me…

there is enough space in front of dana’s house for two vehicles — assuming the first person there parks far enough up. i always pull as close to the neighbors driveway as possible, allowing a person to comfortably park behind me. her dad always parks smack dab in the middle, eliminating any room for a second vehicle.

there was a beer can next to dana’s porch, which is quite curious. apparently it was originally next to the sidewalk. her mother decided it should not be there and kicked it up to dana’s porch instead. wouldn’t a sane person pick the thing up and throw it away?

i’m guessing dana’s mother feared two possible outcomes:

a) by touching an empty beer can, she is likely to become intoxicated and die.

b) by touching an empty beercan, she is associating herself with drinking, which is evil and would punish her to the firey pits of hell.

actually, i’m guessing she probably feared (c) – all of the above.

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  1. you know, i’ve come to the conclusion that we must be the only two people who ever consider the “two vehicle” thing. outside our house is set up just the same. i, being wonderful, always pull up as far as possible. anyone else, even during times when there are lots of people here, when parking is limited? smack in the middle. am i the only person who’s ever thought about how there’s room for TWO cars there? must be.

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