well, because i fucking overdrew

well, because i fucking overdrew my god damned account again, this pay period i don’t even have enough to pay my rent, much less my car payment. i need to dig up about $30 for rent, then i’m once again broke for another 2 fucking weeks.

this whole being poor thing really sucks ass. i’m very seriously considering getting a second job somewhere. i really have no other choice at this point.

makes me wonder if being totally flat ass broke is worth not having to live in the animal house i used to endure.

so i’ll be juggling a full time job, a part time job, and half time school schedule.

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  1. you gotta stop buying things on impulse!!!
    $100 on a domain, satelite, dsl. was there any good reason to get these things? sure they are *nice* to have, but are they *neccesary*?

  2. i haven’t spent any money on a damn thing lately. the domain i purchased quite awhile ago, and i had just been paid for a big job and had a few dollars to spend.

    don’t make assumptions. the last thing i bought was the domain. and about a month before that i purchased 2 dvd’s. i didn’t even eat away from home once last week, or this week so far.

    and right now, the satellite is my -only- luxury and pretty much my -only- form of entertainment.

    oh, and i put over $100 a month away from retirement too between my roth ira and my 401k. i -could- stop doing that, but that would be stupid.

    now my car, if i could get rid of it and buy a beater, i would. but i can’t. when i bought my car, i was in a financial situation that i could afford it. the government was paying for everything. i choose not to take thousands of dollars every semester out for a student loan, i don’t want to owe that much! i already owe about 15,000, and that’s plenty!!!

    i have no student loans anymore, and my parents don’t pay for my apartment or anything else, although they do give me $20 here and there for gas and food money.

    and everything else i’ve totally cut down on. dsl is necessary when you run a wireless isp, as is my cellphone.

    i just need to be poor for awhile.

  3. then walk to work 🙂 you gave the excuse you didn’t want to walk at midnight, and that’s understood, but you work daytime now :d

    besides..how much is it per mile over your limit on your lease?

  4. does this mean we’re not on for lunch this week?

    🙁 can you afford it? if not, we’ll need to get together and do something else (a lot cheaper than going out to eat)

    i miss seeing ya…

  5. aren’t you making good money through coastalwave’s businesses ?

    do you still have both the cable modem and also dsl ?

    it is indeed sad to have to be poor, matt, especially knowing the fact that you have so much potential. things will come around, buddy.

  6. matt.. i know where you’re coming from. have you thought about going to national cash advance? if you need the money now, and can pay it back with the next paycheck, it’s fabulous.

    also, about eating out… you can still do that. i’d be up for having a few friends over and cooking for everyone. i used to do this with my other friends, but they’ve left for the summer. we called it a “soiree,” made a great meal, hung out, and just enjoyed good food and each other’s company. it’s kinda like eating out 🙂 let me know if you’re interested and i’ll see what i can do about getting people together 🙂

  7. kevin,
    i’m late enough to work as is, but do plan to walk. it’s less than a mile, not really talking much gas there.

    we’re still on. i’m ok enough to eat out once. i haven’t eaten out in ages!

    not if i want to maintain my tv service for more than a week.

    no i got rid of the cable modem over a week ago. coastalwave isn’t turning much of a profit yet, we’re dumping everything we make into expanding, and that’s ok with me.

    we should definitely do this! i think there are enough people to get something together.

  8. kristy’s idea is an awesome idea. i know i’m an outsider, but if such a gathering is in the works ….. i would love to participate as well. i am pretty good in the kitchen, used to cook in a chinese restaurant down in findlay during my freshman year of college.

    matt, let me know whenever you have time to chat over beer and pool. there is absolutely no reason a person with your caliber needs to hack the walls and dig the ground for rent money. i am sure i can think of something we can do, that will improve your cash flow.

  9. maybe we could do a potluck deal… each brings something and you could be responsible for something like non-alcoholic drinks (cheaper than alcoholic ones)…

    i’m sure some of us would get into it… heck, i know dukie makes some mean wings and i know some people who’ve had them love my cookies..

    *wants to meet jeff still too*

  10. hey matt we are trying to retreve the piss factory that i call a dog…. but have not been able to locate you or the dog….last i heard you were at cp and the dog was in pc at 8:30 pm and you said you would call me back in a bit…… it is now 1:40 am on thursday the 2nd…. and we are both up waiting for you to call???? if ya killed the dog just say so so we can go to bed! 🙂 adam says thank you and he will get the rest of the money for the hit later….. 😉 and if you did…. well i am not going to have a very happy birthday :(….. just call us please… we are tired.

  11. kristy/matt – i’m in… that sounds like fun… i’ll even help cook…
    and dude… how can you kill their dog… atleast piss on its bed or on it when it pisses on your stuff… (c:

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