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  1. matt, did they hand-out ‘free’, ‘full’, ‘complete’, ‘retail’ version winxp at the roadshow ? how many do they allow 1 person to grab ?? 🙂

  2. oh yeah….email me your script/config for analog like you have here….its being a bitch and not working for me

  3. windows xp=suck.

    bill gates is getting nowhere near my computer, especially in ‘big brother’ style.

    duke, i’m with you. win98 or win2k all the way.

    windows xp. *shudder*

  4. so far, so good. it’s a 6 month demo. i’m sure i’ll want it off my machine before the six months is up. it’s working great so far. ‘cept they decided to “unclutter the desktop”, so there is no volume bar. i need to find how to add it back.

    kev, e-mail me, i’ll reply w/ a copy. i need to throw putty on this box first.

    all hail coastalwave!

  5. hey, i’ve proven its at least better than millenium. five days now without a reboot, machine still running strong.

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