gallery moved

i’m slowly moving stuff over to dreamhost.  managed to get the 2.5ish gigs of photos back up at — and i even upgraded from ancient gallery 1.4.x to 2.something, which has one really cool new feature:


since i was playing with photos, i also took the opportunity to upload a few galleries that i’ve been sitting on for awhile…

* some pics from the bermuda trip in sept. 06.  no natural disasters, although they did get hit with a hurricane the week after we left.

* the "before" pictures of the new house.  most of you have no idea what the place looks like, and you still won’t, since we’ve changed almost everything inside…  no flowers in the kitchen, no pink carpet, no billiards lighting in the dining room, etc.  the after pics will come if we ever finish the fucking bathroom.

* some pics from christmas 2006.  the first half are of my family dinner, which was held at my new house.  it was the first time i spent christmas with both parents and both grandmas in aaaages.  also enjoy the few random kitty photos that ended up in there.  and the reverse humping statue we found in boston.

my favorite

i’m pretty sure no one reads this anymore, but at least i’ll have some convenient quick links to these galleries.

so long, and thanks for all the fish

and by fish, i mean packets, bits, data, mail, spam, you get it.

the time has come for me to shut down the last few personal servers i have hanging around…

– – – –

[matt@darkside]$ uptime
11:31PM  up 924 days,  6:51, 1 user, load averages: 0.15, 0.11, 0.09

bash-2.05a$ hostname
bash-2.05a$ uptime
11:12PM  up 676 days, 12:26, 1 user, load averages: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

[matt@ummagumma]$ uptime
12:29AM  up 7 days, 13:46, 2 users, load averages: 0.11, 0.16, 0.17

– – – –

(ok, so i rebooted ummagumma to make sure the DST patches did their magic.  the other two are still an hour off.)

i’ve personally contacted anyone who is left on the above boxes, but i thought i’d mention it here as well.  silentbob surprisingly still has one person using it, an old friend from the cisp days.  ummagumma was mostly kristy, two sites that actually paid me back when i sent invoices, and what few domains i haven’t let expire.

if any of the few of you who still read this has any data or other stuff on those boxes, now is the time to grab it up!

consequently, i’ll soon have a 2u dell 1650 w/ raid and redundant power supplies to sell or donate.  any takers?

i wonder what ever happened to chocotaco…

welcome to my new home

movable type pissed me off.  i switched to typepad, a hosted product by…  the people who make movable type.

blogger looked pretty bitchin, but there was no good way to import my 1,650-ish entries and 6,000+ comments.  typepad made it "easy" to do.  (please be sure to note the quotes).

and no, this is not a template.  this crappy design took me a few hours to come up with.  i mildly like it, and i’ll surely spiff it up a bit over time. 

now i need to decide what to do with the pix-o-matic and mo pho.

i may switch back to mt someday, but for now i rather throw a few bucks a month at other people to keep my blog secure and spam-free.

so, is everyone surviving premature DST? 

blogsix outage

i doubt anyone noticed, but blogsix was unavailable for ~12 hours. i’m switching over to zone edit for some of my personal domains’ dns services. apparently they had a problem with the txt record i applied which broke things.

i’m also thinking about moving away from movable type to a hosted blog services (blogger, typepad, what not)… i’m tired of comment spam and don’t have time to fark around with upgrading mt, setting up captchas, and upgrading the spam filter plugin every 3 days.

blogger doesn’t seem to allow an easy way to import from *anything*, and typepad costs money. i need something that will allow me to map my domain and import several years of blog posts.

fracking podcasts

also in the stuff that is flipping cool department… itunes now has dozens of U.C. Berkeley courses available as podcasts… for free! i’m downloading an intro to astronomy podcast. let’s see how long this holds my short, short attention.

and in other news… starbuck can’t be dead!