the halloween party was sent

the halloween party was sent out last weekend. i thought i sent invites to everyone i knew, but a few people didn’t get them, and a few that did get them completely forgot. d’oh!

the party was alright. drama filled.

highlights include…

* me in scrubs!
* broken tv and vcr
* shanon’s hand going through a window
* pictures taken on the steps of the church across the street
* beer all over my car (???)
* house and roomate’s car covered with toilet paper
* thus, no toilet paper left in house for it’s “real” use.

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  1. when did the tv and vcr break? other hightlights included:

    *not being able to see your hand in front of your face because the fog was so thick.
    *jeff hittin’ skins behind the garage
    *spare case(empty keg)
    *matt *catching* a cup full
    *the joker
    *dr. love: pediatric gyno
    *me feeling that girl up

  2. oh yeah, i forgot to put that in my highlights. i did a shot and immediately threw up into my beer.

    it’s also possible that some may have inadvertently ended up in the chicken wings. people did not seem to care.

  3. and now, time for something completely different:

    meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow.

  4. his name was dr. mullett wasn’t it? i have a few pics from the party, will send them to you tonight after school matt.

  5. you forgot that dicky and nicky met and did not fight 🙂
    travis i want pics!!!
    i missed matt getting sick again? ewwww i wonder how those wings tasted

  6. it cracks me up that after missing 3 dmt classes we are still talking about the same stuff we were when i was here last.

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