not that anyone should be

not that anyone should be surprised, but we’re going to war. what do you all think? bush does not have the support of his people nor the support of our allies. even canada says they don’t want anything to do with it unless there is a u.n. resolution. i have a feeling that those countries which are supporting us, or are even considering supporting us, are doing so to stay on our “good side”.

i’m betting that turkey is going to once again say “no” to letting us stick some troops there, and we are going to be pretty much on our own.

i was reading some messages in a forum somewhere regarding the war. someone posted an intelligent anti-war message, to which someone replied, “i had friends die on 9-11” it really irritates me is that a good majority of the population seems to think this has something to do with the sept. 11th attacks. it does not people. we are not fighting a war against terrorism. bush says it’s necessary to disarm sadaam because otherwise he’ll sell his weapons to terrorists. this is the only connection i can see that this war has to terrorism.

i have to wonder if the u.s. military is supportive of this war. i don’t mean the higher ups, but the people who will actually be out in the field.

so what do you all think? pro war? anti war? pro bush? anti bush?

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  1. roundly indifferent, although once again the chickens are coming home to roast with bad foreign policy…shoulda/woulda/coulda again…i think saddam should be ousted but n. korea is a far more pressing concern.

  2. dude this is going to be long… there youve been warned, second im typing this fast so ingore any misspellings. on the first note of wether or not we should go to war im all for it i know this country’s has a shitty economy and all, and that there are other things that need attention (education. unemployment, etc), but first and formost should be to protect the citizens of the united states i believe there are 2 reasons behind this attack on iraq, first reason iraq represents a threat to the united states, the media has said that theres never been hard proof of a clear connection between saddam and “terriorist networks”, bush says that this attack or war, is to preserve freedom for us and other countries, and i believe him also to eliminate his wepons of mass destruction and what not. now im not saying that this is a sept 11th retaliation, or anything ‘ve done that and are still doing that, i believe that this is to make damn sure that the oppourtunity is made much harder to accomplish buy some rouge dictiator selling off chemical and biological toys to his dune coon friends .reason two behind the attack old man bush (george senior) is up there saying kick his ass son show him we have the biggest stick in the playground.
    now on to turkey, as of last night turkey was still saying no to us not being able to use there bases, nor were they going to allow us to fly over their airspace. my rebuttle to that is catch us, and we dont need them look guys we have the bes moble infintry in the world, we can air drop some 5000 men with armor, and artilitry support anywhere in the globe within 24 hours we really dont need anyones bases they dont want to support fin fuck them they dont get our fininacal aid anymore either. now on to the un and american public, and the military side of things this is a heavy rant first off this is basicly summed up in 4 words pussyficiation of american socity look the un wasnt doing their job of keeping bad toys out of sadams sand box over there and france wanted to keep the inspectors going back in to “inspect” yea france forgot to mention that they were selling shit to iraq such as airplane parts, aeronauticle instruments, missile guidance systems, and shit along those lines so naturally iraq and saddam were making them money they dont want that to go away, germany is pasificist, they arent allowed to have a oppinion seeingas how a few disgruntled germans started 2 world wars. and russia has their own shit to worry about mostly making good vodka, bush said it best “the un wasnt doing their job” “were pertecting our own intrests” look the un has had 12 years to dissarm iraq and this guy keeps making more of the shit you cant deny that and his officers could steal and sell the shit to someone and that is a risk that id really not like to see happen besides that the country is only like at its longest point 400 some miles or so its not like russia where they can forget where they put it or something hell a stack of post it notes could probbly keep track of all the places those weapons are in to the american public, now all of this is in my oppinion i cant speak for everyone here this is just my oppinion but from the news reports ive seen most people are behind this country now im not really for war, war is bad people die, but thats part of the job the duty of soldiers to defend this country from all enimes now wether your for war or not i seriously am all about bushes quote “the risk of inaction, is a risk i dont want to take” foranatly when push came to shove this counrty stood its ground on this issue somethig i doubt clinton would of done… now as for the military, i cant speak for the soldiers, but i can say this they are all loyal to their country, and to their commander in chief theyre just doing their jobs which its sole underlieing job is to protect this country form threats, these men and women, most have families, most all of them dont really want to be their for one reason or another, none of them really want war but they all know the sooner they apply the full bombardment on bagdad and compleat the mission of ridding iraq of sadam the sooner they can go home. ok these are all just my oppinions off of what ive gatherd off the news and what not along with my oppinions on various topics, i probbly could of gone on and on about this topic, or worded it alot better, but mostly this was a free flow type of writing. anyway feel free to bash me if i made any mistakes on any of the information i wrote

  3. jason told me to read that rant that he wrote and i just have to say that first of all, reading one continuous sentence made me dizzy (in a bad way). second of all the whole thing can be summed up as, war isn’t good, but that’s what it’s come to because no one has been doing their job over in europe. in case you all didn’t feel like reading it.

  4. it took way too long to scroll past that comment, i can’t imagine actually have reading it. europe has surprising little to do with this war. they just publicly voiced their disapproval where as other countries just weren’t as vocal with their opposition.

  5. i am neither pro-war, nor anti-war. and i am also neither pro-bush, nor anti-bush.

    i believe the issue at hand is simply how gullible some members of the security council are.

    12 years have passed. multiple resolutions have been passed. multiple economic sanctions have proven to be ineffective. 12 years worth of inspections have been carried out, and inspectors have been kicked out time and time again.

    so, it kinda’ makes me wonder how can the french justify taking more time and sending more inspectors ? it is obviously going to repeat the same stupid cycle for another 12 years if the french were to have their way. something just seems fishy.

    i believe sufficient time have been given through 12 years, and enough inspectors have been played like rag dolls by saddam. indeed, the time has come to take action.

  6. i will remember those who are giving their lives for our country in this war. however, as time goes on, my anti-bush sentiments grow. i’m not that much of a fan of him at all :-

    if he goes up for re-election, that may bring up the voter turnout to get him out of office.

    i still contend that texas should’ve been a country when they asked for that years ago…

  7. as i told nivex, i’ll lead my english 12 classes to invade france and raise the american flag over new austin (paris) and we will show those frogs what the hell a backbone is!

    they dont want the united states to find out that they have been selling iraq things that are questionable- like metal cylinders that can be used for missles and artilery.
    thats why the russians are against it to…and the chinese- the chinese built sadam a modern reinforced computer network that links the country and bunkers together.

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